Minecraft Access Docs

Sound Effects Overview


This page lists the sound effects used in the Minecraft Access mod. Sounds are grouped by feature. Sounds can be played by pressing the play button.

Read Crosshair

When you’re looking at a block and an entity, the mod will play a sound cue to indicate the relative location between you and the target. Volume to represent distance, the louder the sound, the closer the distance. Pitch to represent altitude, the higher the pitch, the higher the target is relative to you. You can turn off this feature or change the sound volume in config. Piano sound

Points of Interest

Position of functional blocks without screens (e.g. Door, Ladder) Beeping electronic sound
Position of functional blocks that have screens (e.g. Crafting Table) String sound
Position of ore blocks Bubbling sound
Position of dropped items Click sound
Position of passive mobs (animals) Low pitch bell sound
Position of hostile mobs (monsters) High pitch bell sound
Unlocking action in POI locking feature Drum sound

Fall Detector

Position with high drop-off Foot stamping sound

Player Warnings

Health, hunger, air, or frost reached the configured danger warning threshold Shatter and woosh sound


Most sounds are taken from Minecraft and are property of Mojang, the Minecraft Usage Guidelines apply.