Minecraft Access Docs



This page contains all the keybindings added by the mod.

You can change these keybindings in the settings (open Options... then Controls.. then Key Binds..), all keybinding setting groups that are provided by this mod have a Minecraft Access: prefix to differentiate them from the original keybinding settings.

You may find that some features have duplicate keys, such as I, J, K, L as the arrow keys in various features. It’s ok since the same key takes effect in different interfaces for different functions.

You may want to take a look at all the original controls as well.

Camera Controls

Single KeyDefault KeybindingDescription
Look UpIMove the camera vertically up by the Normal Rotating Angle config value
Alternate Look UpNumber Pad 8Same as Look Up Key, move the camera vertically up
Look RightLMove the camera horizontally right by the Normal Rotating Angle config value
Alternate Look RightNumber Pad 6Same as Look Right Key, move the camera horizontally right
Look DownKMove the camera vertically down by the Normal Rotating Angle config value
Alternate Look DownNumber Pad 2Same as Look Down Key, Move the camera vertically down
Look LeftJMove the camera horizontally left by the Normal Rotating Angle config value
Alternate Look LeftNumber Pad 4Same as Look Left Key, move the camera horizontally left
Look NorthNumber Pad 7Turn the camera to the north
Look EastNumber Pad 9Turn the camera to the east
Look SouthNumber Pad 3Turn the camera to the south
Look WestNumber Pad 1Turn the camera to the west
Center CameraNumber Pad 5Look straight ahead: Turn the camera to the closest of the eight cardinal directions and reset vertical angle to horizontal position
Look Straight UpNumber Pad 0Turn the camera to the look above head direction
Look Straight DownNumber Pad .Turn the camera to the look down at feet direction
Speak Facing DirectionHSpeak current horizontal facing direction
Key CombinationDescription
Left Alt + Look Up or Alternate Look UpMove the camera vertically up by the Modified Rotating Angle config value
Left Alt + Look Right or Alternate Look RightMove the camera vertically right by the Modified Rotating Angle config value
Left Alt + Look Down or Alternate Look DownMove the camera vertically down by the Modified Rotating Angle config value
Left Alt + Look Left or Alternate Look LeftMove the camera vertically left by the Modified Rotating Angle config value
Left Alt + Center CameraLook straight back: Turn the camera to the opposite of the closest of the eight cardinal directions and reset vertical angle to horizontal position
Right Alt + Look UpSame as single Look North Key and single Look Straight Up Key, alternately move the camera to the north or up
Right Alt + Look RightSame as single Look East Key, turn the camera to the east
Right Alt + Look DownSame as single Look South Key and single Look Straight Down Key, alternately move the camera to the south or down
Right Alt + Look Left KeySame as single Look West Key, turn the camera to the west
Left Alt + Speak Facing Direction KeySpeak current vertical facing direction

See also: Feature Description, Configuration

Mouse Simulation

Single KeyDefault KeybindingDescription
Left Mouse Sim[Simulate left mouse key, default value of the original Attack/Destroy key
Middle Mouse Sim\Simulate middle mouse key, default value of the original Pick Block key
Right Mouse Sim]Simulate right mouse key, default value of the original Use Item/Place Block key
Mouse Wheel Scroll Up;Simulate mouse wheel scroll up, switching items in hotbar forward
Mouse Wheel Scroll Down'Simulate mouse wheel scroll down, switching items in hotbar backward

See also: Feature Description, Configuration

Inventory Controls

Single KeyDefault KeybindingDescription
Menu Move UpIFocus to the slot above
Menu Move RightLFocus to the slot right
Menu Move DownKFocus to the slot below
Menu Move LeftJFocus to the slot left
Change GroupCSelect next slot group
Switch TabVSelect next tab
Toggle CraftableRSwitch between show all and show only craftable recipes in recipe book group
Tnot re-mappableSelect the search box or text box
Enternot re-mappableDeselect the search box or text box
Key CombinationDescription
Left Shift + Change GroupSelect previous slot group
Left Shift + Switch TabSelect previous tab
Left Shift + Menu Move UpSelect previous page of the Recipe Book
Left Shift + Menu Move DownSelect next page of the Recipe Book

Switch Tab, Toggle Craftable, T key and Enter key only works when there is a corresponding component in the opened screen. Recipe Book page turning only works when Recipe Book Group is selected. Search on the wiki for the description of screens if you’re not familiar with them.

See also: Feature Description, Configuration

Point of Interest

Single KeyDefault KeybindingDescription
Locking KeyYLock onto the closest POI block or entity
Key CombinationDescription
Alt + Locking KeyUnlock from the currently locked entity or block
Control + Locking KeyMark the block or entity currently targeted with crosshair
Control + Alt + Locking KeyUnmark from the target

See also: Feature Description, Configuration

Position Narrator

Single KeyDefault KeybindingDescription
Speak Player PositionGSpeak the player’s x y z position
Key CombinationDescription
Left Alt + ZSpeak the player’s z-axis
Left Alt + XSpeak the player’s x-axis
Left Alt + CSpeak the player’s y-axis

See also: Feature Description, Configuration

Speak Player Status

Single KeyDefault KeybindingDescription
Speak Player StatusRSpeak the player’s current health, hunger, armor, and air and frost exposure if applicable
Key CombinationDescription
Left Alt + RSpeak only the conditional statuses of the player like air and frost exposure

See also: Feature Description, Configuration

Access Menu

Single KeyDefault KeybindingDescription
Open Access MenuF4Open or close the Access Menu
Narrate TargetBNarrates the thing you are looking at
Upper number keysnot re-mappableWhen Access Menu is opened, execute corresponding Access Menu functions
Key CombinationDescription
Alt + Upper number keysExecute corresponding Access Menu functions. PS: the Find Closest Water/Lava Source functions are not supported by this key combination since they lag the game

All functions in the Access Menu have unique keybindings that can be set in the game’s controls settings menu. The only function that is bound by default is the narrate target function, and all other function keys are left up to you to bind if you want to use them.

See also: Feature Description, Configuration

Book Editing

Single KeyDefault KeybindingDescription
Use Item/Place Block (the original keybinding)right mouse keyOpen the book editing screen while holding a Book and Quill item
Tabnot re-mappableSelect buttons
Spacenot re-mappableClick selected button
Attack/Destroy (the original keybinding)left mouse keySame as Space key, click selected button
Page Upnot re-mappableSwitch to previous page
Page Downnot re-mappableSwitch to next page
Done buttonnot re-mappableSave your unfinished work and quit editing screen
Sign buttonnot re-mappableAnd enter a title for the book to make it permanently non-editable

See also: Feature Description

Speak Chat Messages

Key CombinationDescription
Alt + Number Keys (Upper number keys and key pad keys)Speak previous chat message (again) corresponding to the number, 1 for the most recent message, 2 for the second most recent message and so on

This feature only works while the Chat Screen is open. These keys aren’t re-mappable. The chat message will be spoken when that message shows up, whether the sender is you or not. These keys are used to repeat previous chat messages.

See also: Feature Description